The Pike County School System is Pike County’s leader in bringing cutting-edge educational opportunities to its students. Pike County currently offers a wide variety of dual enrollment programs. Of which, there are 15 that lead to Associate Degrees. Another dual enrollment opportunity available through the Pike County School System is the Short-Term Certificate programs. These programs are offered free of charge to the students of the Pike County School System. These exciting programs are offered in cooperation with post-secondary partners, like: Troy University, Enterprise State Community College, and Wallace State Community College – Hanceville, and LBW.

In addition, Pike County offers a 5th – 8th grade STEM Academy – targeting select students, this program designed to deliver accelerated instruction in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics concepts, while cultivating interest in both post-secondary STEM education and STEM-related careers. These STEM Academy students participate in immersive STEM experiences at the U.S. Space and Rocket Center, the National Flight Academy, and others.

With new academy options being developed periodically, the Pike County School System continues to develop progressive, challenging opportunities for advanced and career-oriented education. The Pike County School System is dedicated to developing students with superior creativity and problem-solving skills.

Another dual enrollment opportunity available through the Pike County School System is the Short-Term Certificate program. These programs include Agriscience, App Development, Aviation Maintenance Technology, Business & Finance, Emergency Medical Technician, IT Professional (IT Support Technician, Linux Operating Systems Specialist, Network Security Professional), Mechatronics, and Welding. 

Pike County is dedicated to teaching practical job skills and promoting real world knowledge and experience. The goal is that Pike County students are prepared for both college and/or career - providing students with industry related courses of study and offering avenues for academic and career instruction/certification. Ultimately, our vision is to develop individuals who will possess the knowledge, skills, and values essential to becoming productive citizens. We are not only educators; we are workforce developers.

Current Numbers:


71 students are currently enrolled in an academy (67 which lead to an associate degree - 4 are in the Global Studies Academy)

  • 33 GHS
  • 38 PCHS

11 of which are seniors graduating from Troy University

  • 8 GHS
  • 3 PCHS

7 of which are seniors graduating from ESCC

  • 2 GHS
  • 5 PCHS

18 total graduating with degrees in 2024

Short-Term Certificates

82 currently enrolled in a dual-enrollment certificate

19 have earned a certificate and will walk at ESCC graduation in 2024

Total DE = 153

Frequently Asked Questions:

  • Complete application.
  • Meet PCS requirements:
    • 3.0 GPA
    • Clean Discipline
    • Attendance
    • Recommendations
  • Meet post-secondary requirements:
    Troy University & Enterprise State Community College:
    • Pass ACCUPLACER (College Entrance Exam) Test or provide qualifying ACT scores
      • TU Academic Qualifying Scores
        • English ACT - 20
        • English ACCUPLACER - 5
        • Math ACT - 18
        • Math ACCUPLACER - 253
      • ESCC Academic Qualifying Scores
        • English ACT - 18
        • English ACCUPLACER - 5
        • Math ACT - 18
        • Math ACCUPLACER - 244
      • Second semester of 9th grade year, unless applying to Global Studies. If applying to Global Studies, second semester of 10th grade year.
      • Applications are available beginning in February and notification will be sent to all 9th graders, advertised, etc.
      • Freshmen Leadership Academy learns about the different programs available.
      • All 9th graders tour both the academy programs, certificate programs, and Troy Pike-Center For Technology.
      • Parent Expo- Information is provided the night of PCS Parent Expo.
      • The majority of classes are face-to-face at Troy University. There are a few classes that are online.
      • Yes. PCS buses students from home campuses each morning. The exceptions to this are holidays when PCS is closed and the university is open.
      • Yes, sometimes there are summer classes for academy students. We try to limit these to the summer after your junior year. These are online.
      • Yes, with the exception of the Agriscience courses taught by Mr. Stanley and Mr. Eiland. The other exception is the Mechatronics Lab courses.
      • Labs are in Ozark.
      • Students must be able to provide transportation to CA3L building Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays by 7:20 am in order to ride PCS bus to Ozark. We bus students from CA3L building to Ozark. Students stay in Ozark until approximately noon and then are bused back to CA3L, each lunch, and return to home campuses for 4th block.
      • Troy University academy students will earn an associate of science in general education.
      • ESCC academy Agriscience students will earn an associate of science in Agriscience.
      • All other ESCC academy students earn an associate degree in an applied science in their concentration area.
      • Academy programs lead to an associate degree from college and take core college academic courses in addition to the electives specific to the academy.
      • Certificate programs lead to certification and only take the college program specific electives.
      • Failure to earn a “C” or higher in a class -either college or high school
      • GPA drops below requirement for program.
      • Failing to adhere to Pike County Schools Code of Conduct, including misuse of technology and social media before, during, or after school hours (both personal devices and PCS owned devices).
      • Academic misconduct.
      • Truancy.
      • Failure to adhere to any portion of the student memorandum of understanding signed by student and parent/guardian.
      • Any history of drug use or criminal conviction will jeopardize my participation in the academy program and/or my required internship.

      For consideration into an Academy:

      Enroll in a Pike County School
      Apply in the 9th grade (Associate Degree Only)
      Have a GPA of 3.0 or higher*
      Have ACT or ACCUPLACER Scores of:
      ACT (depending on program)
      18-20 English/Writing
      18 or higher in Mathematics
      ACCUPLACER (depending on program)
      English 1101 qualifying score
      Math 1105 qualifying score
      Have good attendance
      Have good discipline/conduct
      Be in good overall standing with school
      Submit a completed academy application
      Submit the name of school or district administrator who will complete a digital recommendation form
      Submit the names of three (3) teachers who will complete a digital recommendation form
      2 must be core academic teachers
      Write a 250 word or less essay explaining why you would be an excellent candidate for the academy program
      A transcript will be collected from school counselor